A Home to Call My Own Campaign

The past year has brought about significant challenges, especially for individuals with autism and their families. The closure of numerous Home and Community-based Services (HCS) homes and Intermediate Care Facility (ICF) group homes across Texas has left many individuals with autism without the vital care and support they need. From January 2023 to February 2024 alone, a total of 176 HCS homes and 50 ICF facilities closed. Looking ahead, an additional 92 HCS homes and 34 ICF facilities are anticipated to close by the end of this year. This alarming trend underscores the urgent need for organizations like ours to step up and fill the gap in services for individuals with autism. 

In response to this critical need, Avondale House is embarking on an expansion initiative to open an additional residential home dedicated to providing 24/7 care for six new adults with moderate to severe autism. This expansion will not only address the immediate need for housing and support for individuals with autism, but also ensure that these individuals receive the specialized around-the-clock care and attention they deserve. Our goal is to create a nurturing and inclusive environment where residents can thrive and reach their full potential. 

We're excited to share an extraordinary and unique opportunity to enhance your impact on Avondale House. An incredibly generous anonymous donor has pledged to match $400,000 of non-fundraising event gifts received through September 2024. However, to unlock this generous match, we must raise $400,000 ourselves during this period.  

Help us reach our goal by supporting our A Home to Call My Own campaign and provide six adults with autism the key to their forever home!


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